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33 Results
Skull and Bones Season 4 Offers Cursed Sea Monsters, a Vengeful Pirate Lord, Mythic Difficulty, and a Parrot

Ubisoft has released more details on Skull and Bones Season 4, Shadows of the Deep, which is coming next week on November 19th. Mythic difficulty arrives, new story, new ships, refreshed Smuggler Pass rewards, new events, and much more.

Skull and Bones Sets Up Season 4 With New Story Trailer, Reveal Tomorrow, Ahead of Launch Next Week

Skull and Bones Season 4, "Shadows of the Deep" is almost here, with the new content set for November 19th. Today, Ubisoft released a story trailer touching on the themes of the season and some of the important characters. 

Skull and Bones Reveals Season 2 Stats, Like How Many Ship Upgrades and Who Became Sea Monster Lunch

Ubisoft Singapore has released some new Skull and Bones Season 2 stats, including how many battled the Hubac twins, how many upgraded their ships, and the unfortunate toll of those fallen to the Mega Lestari.

Skull and Bones Season 3 Schedule Detailed, With Several World Events, Bounties, New Sea Monsters, and Halloween

Skull and Bones Season 3 is now on, and Ubisoft Singapore is outlining what we can expect, in terms of features, events, and rewards.

Skull and Bones Opens Season 3: Into the Dragon's Wake, and Launches on Steam With Refreshed PC Experience

Skull and Bones Season 3 is here, along with a release on Steam that also comes with an updated PC experience.

Skull and Bones Team Details PC Experience and Mouse & Keyboard Overhauls for Steam Launch

The Skull and Bones team dives into the big mouse and keyboard and PC experience overhaul coming with the Steam launch (and Season 3) this week.

Skull and Bones Releases Notes and Details on Season 3: Into the Dragon's Wake

Skull and Bones season 3, Into the Dragon's Wake,  is coming on August 22nd. The Ubisoft Singapore team has released a story trailer and the patch notes with details on what to expect. 

Skull and Bones Season 3 PTS Preload Opens, With S3 Set For Next Week, But 5v5 PvP is Postponed

Skull and Bones Season 3 is coming on August 22nd (the same day the game lands on Steam), with the PTS test build preload open for those with access. However, there's a disappointing update regarding 5v5 PvP.

Skull and Bones Adds a Way to Keep Track of Activities, Warehouse Expansion, and More Balance Changes

Skull and Bones is adding a new way to find things to do and keep track of events in the next update. The update also adds a number of feature improvements, balance changes, updates to bounty and world events, and a number of other quality of life changes.

Skull and Bones Team Updates on Mid-Season Update Coming August 6th

Ubisoft Singapore is updating on Skull and Bones' mid-season update next week, from inventory managment tweaks to balance changes, and more.

Skull and Bones Recaps First Season With New Stats, as Season 2 Continues With Bigger Additions

Skull and Bones is currently running Season 2, but the Ubisoft Singapore team has released a new infographic with details on how things went for pirates back in Season 1: "Raging Tides".

Skull and Bones Lays Out Big Season 2 Endgame Updates, From New PvE and Solo Events, to Ship Upgrades, and More

Skull and Bones will begin Season 2 soon and the Ubisoft Singapore team has a peek into the season, some significant updates to the game as well as a number of endgame changes.

Skull and Bones Season 1 Final Phase is Now Open, New Public Events Coming

Skull and Bones is headed into the final phase of Season 1, Raging Tides. The Ubisoft Singapore team has a new update with fixes and reward details.

Skull and Bones Dev Diary Dives into the Game's Music and Sounds, From Authentic Cannons to Sea Shanties

New dev diary shows how the Skull and Bones team drew inspiration from sailing, recorded 17th century cannons, and drew from local cultures to create the game's sounds (and sea shanties).