There are so many unknowns in EVE Online right now thanks to the events of the last few days. What do all the gate fluctuations mean long term for New Eden? How will capsuleers recover and regroup with the formation of TrigSec, or T-Space? Bradford dives into why he feels more excited than ever to undock and fly in EVE Online.
Capsuleers are at the tail end of the Triglavian Collective's invasion of New Eden in EVE Online, and capsuleers might have more things to worry about thanks to signs that the universe's stargate network might be less than stable.
As a quick reminder, the Edencom vs Triglavians propaganda contest for EVE Online ends tomorrow.
EVE Online's latest update, Rolling Thunder, is set to go live tomorrow September 22. The new update will bring about a new balance pass for the new EDENCOM ship lines.
New patch notes for EVE Online are here, bringing about Version 18.08.
August 25 marks the date for a host of changes to Triglavian vessels arriving in EVE Online's Dreaded Collective update.
Remember the Fleet Fight Notification Tool in EVE Online? Well, CCP is here to remind us all about it.
CCP has issued patch notes for EVE Online which touch on several fixes for gameplay, UI, and UI.
Recent patch notes for EVE Online point to some tweaks specific to the ongoing Triglavian invasion, and more.
With the current EVE Online Invasion happening, Bradford is sucked into the rabbit hole that is New Eden. Has there ever been a game update or in-game event that drew you back into your favorite game?
In case you missed it, a recent EVE Online live stream looked at the tech behind the game.
The latest EVE Online Scope video has brought us news of the fall of Raravoss.
The new Triglavian Invasion in EVE Online is having quite the effect on the game.
Heads up Capsuleers, a new EVE Online live stream is set to take place at 7p UTC / 3p ET today.
Recently we had the chance to sit down with EVE Online's Creative Director Bergur Finnbogason and Brand Manager Sæmundur Hermannsson about the unfolding story of EVE Online and how the team at CCP draws from a myriad sources to tell its tale.