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LotRO's Yuletide Festival Opens On Thursday While Its Treebeard Server Marches on Helm's Deep This Wednesday

The Lord of the Rings Online has a bit going on this week as its launching both its Yuletide Festival as well as getting its Treebeard legendary server to Helm's Deep with a new level cap of 95.

LotRO's Shadowfax And Treebeard Servers Get New Level Caps Today As Expansions Hit Progression Servers

Today is expansion day - at least if you're playing on one of the two (or both - we don't judge!) Legendary Servers from The Lord of the Rings Online. The faster Shadowfax server is seeing a new level cap of 70, while the slower, more deliberate Treebeard is entering the Mines of Moria.

LOTRO's New Legendary Progression Servers Launching On June 30th

The Lord of the Rings Online has been talking about servers a lot lately, from the idea of a true classic server to the new legendary servers announced a few weeks back. Now we have a firm date as to when players can expect to see the new servers hit: June 30th.

Lord of the Rings Online Is Releasing Two Aptly Named Legendary Servers, Treebeard And Shadowfax

During a stream last Friday ahead of all the E3 hub-bub, The Lord of the Rings Online hosted another Chat with Severlin stream, seeing the EP of the MMO answer community questions live. During the stream (in fact, almost at the outset) the executive producer let it be known that there are two new legendary servers coming to LOTRO.