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5 Results
Japanese Bushido Campaign, Season 30 Rewards, and Transformers Return World of Warships: Legends

Wargaming's big update for World of Warships: Legends is now live, bringing new German battleships into Early Access, a new Japanese-themed campaign, the milestone 30th season, and the Transformers return.

World of Warships Revamps Ships, Prepared for Independence Day, and Holds a Transformers Collaboration

 World of Warships has a new map in its latest update, along with improved ship models, the return of Convoy mode, and the next installment of the Transformers collaboration with Hasbro.

World of Warships: Legends Collaborates with Transformers in New Update

World of Warships Legends has announced a collaboration with Transformers (yes, those Transformers) as part of its latest update. Here are the details.

World of Warships: Legends Receives Cross-Over with Transformers

If you're a World of Warships: Legends player, you may notice a new set of characters in-game. Transformers characters are being rolled and will be available through October 5.

World of Warships: Legends Adds Italian Navy

The Italian navy is joining World of Warships: Legends in the Veni, Vidi, Vici update.