A World of Warcraft Warlock has encountered a bug while running Torghast which resulted in some...interesting results.
Robin is back with another World of Warcraft column, this time taking a look at Torghast and how its improved since 9.1.
As part of the latest hotfix to World of Warcraft, Blizzard has now made completing a Torghast layer unlock account-wide.
One of the unique features of World of Warcraft Shadowlands is Torghast; a seemingly endless dungeon. And we've got a guide for you.
Robin talks about her latest pains in World of Warcraft Shadowland's Torghast as she continues to tackle the encounter.
Updates have been made to the Torments of the Tower mechanic for World of Warcraft's Torghast. Here's what's changed.
Blizzard is looking for feedback on World of Warcraft's Torghast. Here are the details.