The latest Torchlight III update brings an entirely new class, the Cursed Captain. This free update is available now along with various quality of life improvements, new pets, a new contract, and more.
Following its release on Switch last Fall, Torchlight III has received a fix for quests, and other various bugs.
A new Torchlight III patch brings a bunch of fixes to quests as well as squashes some bugs.
Xbox Game Pass continues to provide value as Torchlight III has launched on the service for console and cloud.
Snow & Storm is the largest update yet for Torchlight III and is available now on Steam, Switch, PS4, and Xbox One.
A few days after its launch on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, ARPG Torchlight III is launching for Nintendo Switch today.
Torchlight 3, formally known as Torchlight Frontiers, has officially released on Steam. Robert has been hands on a copy a few days ago and have been dutifully playing since so we can bring you the juicy details about the MMO that wasn't. This is our review in progress.
Today, Torchlight fans that have been waiting for Torchlight III to officially release will be happy to see the official launch trailer, celebrating the launch on PS4, XBOX One and PC. Nintendo Switch gamers don't have much longer to wait either, as the game will launch on the console on October 22nd.
A new Torchlight III trailer is here ahead of the launch tomorrow on PC and consoles.
Echtra Games announced today that Torchlight III will leave early access and officially launch on Steam, Xbox One, and Playstation 4 on October 13th. The game is also slated to release on the Nintendo Switch later on this year.
In a recent State of the Game update on Steam, the Torchlight III team has teased how the game is drawing closer to a launch date.
The latest patch for Torchlight III has seen the addition of 10 new skill points in a reset.
A recent State of the Game for Torchlight III touched on UI scaling, widescreen, and more.
The full release of Torchlight III is coming this fall to Xbox One, PS4, PC and the Nintendo Switch this fall, bringing with it the full experience on the go for Switch users.
Torchlight III, currently in Steam Early Access, has received a Relic subclass in addition to improvements to the Relic system.