A new Torchlight III trailer is here ahead of the launch tomorrow on PC and consoles.
In a recent State of the Game update on Steam, the Torchlight III team has teased how the game is drawing closer to a launch date.
The latest patch for Torchlight III has seen the addition of 10 new skill points in a reset.
A recent State of the Game for Torchlight III touched on UI scaling, widescreen, and more.
Torchlight III, currently in Steam Early Access, has received a Relic subclass in addition to improvements to the Relic system.
Guess what? Torchlight III's endgame is now playable in Early Access.
Echtra Games has announced that the Torchlight 3 Public Test Realm is now available for players to pop on over to test and experience Torchlight 3's end game content. Echtra is looking for players to provide feedback on their experience, including their opinions on Fazeer's Dun'Djinn Challenge.
Part 2 patch notes for Torchlight III's Mainline Patch include revamps to items and gear, and more.
The third and final act for Torchlight III has been revealed.
The Torchlight III team earlier reflected on the rough launch, giving an update on their first week of Early Access.
The upcoming Torchlight III will be ending its Closed Beta this Friday, May 29th as announced via a news post on Steam. Additionally, the developers announced a Twitch stream this Friday at 11:00am PDT,
In a new post over on their Steam community, the Torchlight III team have released some pretty extensive patch notes which point to a complete skill rework for all classes.
Torchlight III might be a continuation of the ARPG gameplay everyone has come to love in the franchise, but that doesn't seem to be stopping Runic Games from adding new systems to the mix. In a new video, the team highlights their Fort system, giving a glimpse into making the world around you a little bit more to your liking.
The latest Torchlight III patch tweaks gear, in addition to the usual round of fixes.
The Sharpshooter is the latest class to be revealed for Torchlight III. Here are the details.