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World of Warcraft Previews The War Within's Quest and UI Changes, and New Accessibility Feature

The War Within launches in August,  and the pre-load begins tomorrow. We can expect changes to the  user interface, in addition to an improved map legend,  a clearer quest log, and even a brand new accessibility feature. 

The War Within Pre-Patch Goes Live on July 23rd, With Warbands, Skyriding, and a New Questline

The War Within pre-patch will be out on July 23rd, and introduce several features that set the stage for World of Warcraft's  next chapter when the expansion launches next month. 

World of Warcraft's Ion Hazzikostas & Morgan Day Talk Affixes in Mythic+, Feedback, and The War Within

When The War Within is out, Mythic+ changes are coming. WoW's Morgan Day and Ion Hazzikostas discuss Mythic+, significant changes on the way, and why they are making all of these changes in the first place.

World of Warcraft: The War Within Launches On August 26th

During the Xbox Games Showcase 2024, we get another look at what is to come for World of Warcraft The War Within and a release date for the first part of a three-part saga. 

World of Warcraft To Expand Flying Mount Capabilities in The War Within

In WoW's new expansion, Dragonflying will expand out into more mounts and older content, and Skyriding will be easily available off the bat.

World of Warcraft The War Within Shadow and Fury Trailer Lets Xal'atath Lay Out Part of Her Plan

Xal'atath's presence was once bound, and later, unknown, but now we look ahead to her major role in The War Within, World of Warcraft's next expansion, with a new teaser ahead of tomorrow's closed beta.

World of Warcraft's The War Within Beta Begins June 5th

Beta starts next week for World of Warcraft's The War Within expansion, featuring new zones, new systems, Warbands, delves, dungeons, and the all-new playable Earthen Allied race.

World of Warcraft The War Within Alpha Development Notes Discuss Dungeons and New Battleground

Each week, World of Warcraft's The War Within alpha testers gain access to new content to test out, enjoy, and showcase to fans. This week, the dev notes reveal the new dungeons, a new battleground with a familiar twist, and more. 

World of Warcraft Dark Heart Update Goes Live Today, Setting The Stage For The War Within

Today is the day that the Dark Heart update goes live in World of Warcraft Dragonflight, where we once again meet with Khadgar in Dalaran. 

New Dragonflight Dark Heart Cinematic Sets Up the Quest in Dragonflight's Closing Chapter

The next content update, Dark Heart, is coming to World of Warcraft on May 7th. Blizzard has released a new in-game cinematic to whet your appetite and details on the update. This also comes as The War Within alpha enters its next phase.

Blizzard Content Creator Summit Reveals More Details on WoW's The War Within

During the Blizzard Content Creator Summit, World of Warcraft's developers gave some more insight into what's to come with the upcoming The War Within expansion.

World of Warcraft Removing The Human Racial Passive in The War Within

One of the most well-known racial passives in World of Warcraft will be removed from the MMO once The War Within goes live, which has a few players quite upset. 

World of Warcraft The War Within Alpha Notes Reveal Changes on the Way

Alpha notes for The War Within offer a peek into some of the content and changes on the way in the next big World of Warcraft expansion. 

World of Warcraft: The War Within Is Being Designed With Solo Players In Mind

There is no doubt that at the heart of it all, World of Warcraft is an MMORPG, but sometimes players don't have the time to sink into a full-fledged gameplay session with their friends and can fall behind. Luckily, Blizzard has taken note of that and has come up with a fix. 

A Console Version of World of Warcraft is Something Blizzard 'Still Talks' About

World of Warcraft vice president and executive producer Holly Longdale made brief comments about a potential console version of the now venerable MMO in a recent interview with VGC.