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The War Within is Live for All, Beginning World of Warcraft's Worldsoul Saga

The War Within expansion is now live for all in World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft: The War Within's Early Access Is Now Live

The tenth expansion for World of Warcraft is now live, with The War Within's early access period kicking off this afternoon.

World of Warcraft: The War Wtihin Developer Interview

It's just hours from World of Warcraft's early access for its tenth expansion, The War Within, and we had the chance to chat with a few of the developers about some of the expansions major features.

World of Warcraft The War Within Behind the Scenes Look At World-Building and Story

Associate Design Director Maria Hamilton, Associate Game Director Morgan Day, and Cinematic Narrative Director Terran Gregory sit down and chat about how World of Warcraft The War Within came to be what it is we see today. 

Chris Metzen Talks The Worldsoul Saga, Watching Legacy Characters Age and Grow, and World of Warcraft's Future

A new interview features Chris Metzen talking his return to development, The War Within, the Worldsoul Saga, watching legacy characters grow and change, and why Xal'atath isn't a typical antagonist.

World of Warcraft: The War Within - And So It Begins

There are only a few days until The War Within, World of Warcraft's tenth expansion, kicks off with its early release, so Robin took a moment to look back, highlighting some of her favorite moments of the last few years.

World of Warcraft Devs Share More Details On The War Within Hero Talents

World of Warcraft The War Within is out in less than two weeks, and like all expansions it's going to come with some changes.

World of Warcraft: The War Within might be enough to get me into the MMORPG

Ryan really has never managed to get into World of Warcraft. Yet with this month's The War Within expansion on the horizon, it might just be the way for him to get into Blizzard's MMORPG.

World of Warcraft Mods Now Work With Nvidia GeForce Now

Nvidia's cloud gaming service, GeForce Now, has teamed up with Overwolf's CurseForge to bring mod support to World of Warcraft on the platform.

World of Warcraft is Holding a The War Within Launch Beta Test Today, Expansion Unlock Details Revealed

World of Warcraft's next chapter starts soon with the upcoming launch of The War Within. Today, there's a launch beta test, and expansion unlock details have been revealed.

World of Warcraft's Latest Welcome Back Weekend is Now Live

World of Warcraft's latest welcome back weekend runs from August 1 through August 4.

Radiant Echoes, The War Within Pre-Patch's Second Phase, is Live in World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft's second phase of The War Within pre-patch is now live. Radiant Echoes, a new pre-expansion event  that will let you get new items to add to your Warband collection, has begun.

The War Within Pre-Patch Goes Live Today, With Big New Features, and Blizzard Looks Ahead

Today, The War Within pre-patch goes live in World of Warcraft. Along with the patch details, Blizzard has also released dates for the start of the dungeon and raid schedule for the new expansion.

World of Warcraft Previews The War Within's Quest and UI Changes, and New Accessibility Feature

The War Within launches in August,  and the pre-load begins tomorrow. We can expect changes to the  user interface, in addition to an improved map legend,  a clearer quest log, and even a brand new accessibility feature. 

The War Within Pre-Patch Goes Live on July 23rd, With Warbands, Skyriding, and a New Questline

The War Within pre-patch will be out on July 23rd, and introduce several features that set the stage for World of Warcraft's  next chapter when the expansion launches next month.Â