World of Warcraft's Undermine(d) update has made it onto the PTR, so get ready to immerse yourself in goblin culture, humor, activities, and explosions.Â
In 2024, the MMORPG genre teetered between bold reinventions, unexpected resurrections, and the weight of unmet expectations.
Robin has been in a weird place with World of Warcraft for a few months now. Yet there's hope that upcoming updates can break her out and back into Azeroth.
It's that time of year again. Here are the winners of our Players' Choice Awards - 2024 edition.
The Siren Isle arrives today in World of Warcraft: The War Within's latest content update. Expect a brand new zone, new campaign chapters, new quests, and even a brand new powerful ring.
Freedom for some, frustration for others: Delves spark a PvE divide in WoW.
The War Within's next update, 11.0.7, hits the World of Warcraft PTR tomorrow, and it's a big one. New endgame zne, two new questlines (including the 11.1 prologue), and a surprising new mount.
A month after early access and now that the first season has started, Robin puts a score to World of Warcraft's latest expansion, The War Within.
The War Within Season 1 is now live in World of Warcraft. The first phase opens up the Nerub-ar Palace raid, dungeons, adds new world bosses, and of course, ushers in a new PvP season.
Blizzard published a new official guide on soloing World of Warcraft, especially with 'The War Within' featuring new solo content.
Robin has been hard at work on her review of World of Warcraft's latest expansion, The War Within. Here are our thoughts thus far.
It's World of Warcraft's 20th anniversary, and now that The War Within is out, the team is ready to shift gears to the 20th anniversary events and a number of new options, including more Dracthyr class options, to celebrate.Â
Recent tech issues have been plaguing the Auction House in World of Warcraft, and it's now been discovered what those issues are.Â
The War Within expansion is now live for all in World of Warcraft
The tenth expansion for World of Warcraft is now live, with The War Within's early access period kicking off this afternoon.