While this year's TennoCon was not "exciting" in the way of adding new worlds to Warframe, was exciting to see the lore expanded upon. Aaron recaps the weekend's events and major announcements to come out of TennoCon 2021.
Miss the art panel from this weekend's TennoCon? Aaron's got you covered with a recap of some of the pressing art reveals over the course of the 45 minute presentation from the Warframe team.
During today's TennoCon, Digital Extremes announced quite a few new initiatives for their looter shooter, Warframe. The New War, the upcoming story-driven expansion to the online shooter, will be releasing later this year, and with the trailer players got a first look at the gameplay during today's stream.
Digital Extremes is setting up this weekend's upcoming TennoCon coming this Saturday, July 17th, in a big way. Viewers will be able to see their first glimpse at the next expansion in Warframe's library, The New War, which will see a world reveal on Twitch at 5pm ET/2pm PT during the event.