Fallout 76's final chapter in the Brotherhood of Steel quest series, Steel Reign, is now live across PC, Xbox and PlayStation. The new chapter is free for all Fallout 76 players to enjoy.
Fallout 76 has had an interesting journey. From a game with no NPCs at launch to one that is now creating full fleshed out storylines with NPC factions for players to explore, the next step in that journey is coming on July 7th, with Steel Reign.
In a blog post late last week, Bethesda is once again asking players for their feedback to help make sure Steel Reign, the latest major content update to come to Fallout 76 releases in the best state it can.
Fallout 76 has come a long way from, what some consider, one of the worst launches of a live-service game in recent memory to one of the most played games on Xbox. While bugs still crop up from time to time, Bethesda hasn't given up on delivering enjoyable content for their dedicated player base. The Steel Reign update that was teased in this years' roadmap has hit the Public Test Server, and players seem to have mixed feelings about the changes.