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113 Results
5 RPGs You Should Wishlist from Steam's Next Fest | One Good Roll

Although Steam's Next Fest is starting to wind down, you can start to hear the faint whistle of the hype train as it starts to gain speed. Here's 5 RPGs from Next Fest you need on your Wishlist!

Check Out Your Steam Replay To See How You Gamed In 2022

Steam recently released its Steam Replay for 2022, highlighting how each user spent their time on the platform this year.

Working Through Your Games Backlog: What Are Some Strategies You Use To Get Through It?

Many of us have gaming backlogs. It seems to be the current way of gaming, especially when so many of our titles are digital ones we just grab on a sale. But how do you decide which game to finally pick up, or attempt to see you way through this time around?

Ubisoft Is Headed Back To Steam With Assassin's Creed Valhalla Coming December 6

Assassin's Creed Valhalla will be one of a few Ubisoft titles to come to Steam, marking the publisher's return to the platform after years away.

Revisiting Guild Wars 2 - Jumping Back Into Tyria After So Long An Absence

Lowry details what it's like to jump back into ArenaNet's Guild Wars 2 after so long an absence.

Guild Wars 2 Finally Launches On Steam As ArenaNet Celebrates The MMO's 10th Anniversary

Guild Wars 2 has finally released on Steam, bringing the free-to-play MMO and its expansions to the platform.

Dual Universe Leaves Beta For Full Launch On September 27th, Coming To Steam

Dual Universe, Novaquark's space sandbox that has been in beta for quite some time, now has an official release date. Dual Universe will be leaving beta and launching officially on September 27th on Steam.

Guild Wars 2 Complete Edition Launches On Steam August 23rd, Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Guild Wars 2 is finally making the jump to Steam later this month, hitting the platform on August 23rd.

Chimeraland Review In Progress

Survival MMO, Chimeraland, has launched in North America on mobile and Steam, and Kevin is putting the MMO through its paces. Check out our review in progress.

Open-World MMORPG Chimeraland Has Launched On Steam and Mobile Devices

Chimeraland, the open-world MMORPG from Level Infinite, has officially launched today across PC (via Steam) and mobile devices. The MMO leans into Eastern Mythology and legends, bringing players to a world of prehistoric creatures to survive.

Final Fantasy VII REBIRTH Announced, REMAKE Coming To Steam

Final Fantasy VII REBIRTH, which is the second part in what we now know as a trilogy in the Final Fantasy VII REMAKE series, is coming next winter. This was announced, alongside a first look trailer, during Square Enix's Final Fantasy VII 25th Anniversary event today.

Valve On One Month of Steam Deck, Working With Anti-Cheat Services, and Adding to Deck Library

Valve released the Steam Deck a month ago, and there's a new post on just what they've learned, some of the feedback received, as well as working with Anti-Cheat services and more to expand the library.

Final Fantasy XIV Steam Linking Begins, With Some Having Issues Launching the Game

With Steam account linking becoming available today, Square Enix has identified an issue preventing Final Fantasy XIV players from launching the game and a temporary fix.

Bethesda Launcher Shutting Down and Migrating Games, Including Fallout 76, to Steam

Bethesda has decided to sunset its own launcher and will migrate several games, including Fallout 76, to Steam for PC players.

Final Fantasy XIV Is Finally Allowing Steam Linking, Coming In March

Final Fantasy XIV players on Steam can start rejoicing, as Square Enix announced that Steam Version Account Linking was finally coming to the MMORPG.