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Here Are the October Events for Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars The Old Republic have a bunch of events scheduled for October with all sorts of rewards for you to win.

Here's a Free Mini-Pet in SWTOR to Celebrate Launch of Star Wars Squadrons

In order to celebrate the recent launch of Star Wars Squadrons, you'll be able to claim a free mini-pet in Star Wars The Old Republic.

A Journey Through Star Wars: The Old Republic

Falko continues his journey through Star Wars: The Old Republic. This week, he takes a look at the essence of Star Wars.

Here Are SWTOR's Events for August

August events for Star Wars: The Old Republic have been outlined, running through September 1. Here are the details.

A Journey Through Star Wars: The Old Republic

Two weeks ago, after completing my first Star Wars: The Old Republic column, I was a bit anxious about its next instalment. But just like that and out of the blue, they released the game on Steam.

SWTOR Rakghoul Resurgence Event Underway

The Rakghoul Resurgence event is currently underway in Star Wars: The Old Republic until July 21.

Empire/Remembrance Day Returns in Star Wars Galaxies: Legends

Empire/Remembrance Day has returned to Star Wars Galaxies: Legends, and is set to run all month long.

SWTOR Will Receive All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally on June 24

Star Wars The Old Republic will receive the All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally event on June 24 alongside update 6.1.2. Here's what you need to know.

Star Wars: Squadrons Leak is Real, Full Reveal Next Week

It looks like that leaked Star Wars: Squadrons game is indeed real, as confirmed by EA.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Receives Mediation Training, New Journey+, More

Free content for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has now been added which includes a new game mode, a new game+ of sorts, and more.