May the Fourth be with you because tomorrow will be the Revenge of the Fifth (sorry, not sorry.) Brian-puns aside, yes, today is May the fourth. This means the long-awaited Bespin expansion for SWG Legends is due to release today.
The Dark Descent, aka Game Update 6.3, available today for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This update brings the first of the Galactic Seasons, which is basically the battle pass, and brings daily weekly objectives to complete for rewards.
In-game events for Star Wars: The Old Republic have been announced. Here's what you can expect when dive in.
Is there a new Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic game in the works? According to several sources, this may be the case.
In a new letter on their forums, RoarAsh, the Project Admin for Star Wars Galaxies Legends, has announced that he is departing the project.
Welcome to this week's installment of's Quick 5. This week we've seen a return of one of gaming's legacy developers, delays for MMO reveals and "road maps."
It looks like Lucasfilm and Ubisoft are teaming up for a Star Wars game much in the way that Bethesda did for their upcoming Indiana Jones game. The developer, Massive, known for games like The Division 2 and Far Cry 3, will be taking the helm at crafting an open-world title in the Star Wars universe.
It's been nine years since Star Wars The Old Republic graced our PCs. The community team has reflected on this anniversary in a new forum post.
A new post on the Star Wars The Old Republic forums points to adjustments coming to login reward stims.
Game Update 6.2 is hitting Star War The Old Republic soon and will bring new login rewards and an emote window.
The December events for Star Wars The Old Republic have been announced. Here's what's in store.
The Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint is available on the PTS for Star Wars The Old Republic this week, plus new login rewards and more.
Star Wars The Old Republic is set to hold a Cantina live stream this Friday, November 13 talking about Game Update 6.2 Echoes of Vengeance and more.
Tomorrow, the Feast of Prosperity begins in Star Wars: The Old Republic. You'll have three weeks to take part in the seasonal event.
In a bit of fun, the team behind Star Wars Squadrons released some statistics recapping the first week of the game's release.