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Star Wars: The Old Republic Adds Final R-4 Anomaly Boss, Lady Dominique, and the Manaan Daily Area to the PTS

You can now test out the full R-4 Anomaly Operation for Star Wars: The Old Republic, with final boss Lady Dominique now on the PTS, new mechanics promised. The test build also adds the Manaan Daily Area.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Gets a Guide to Weapon Customization and Legacy of the Sith Music Arrives to Stream

A guide for Star Wars: The Old Republic's updated outfitter, including the recently-added weapons option,is now available. BioWare has also begun adding Legacy of the Sith's music to stream.

Grab a Free P1-XL Droid in Star Wars: The Old Republic to Mark Star Wars Day

It's May the 4th, and Star Wars: The Old Republic is giving a free P1-XL Droid for Star Wars Day. Plus, a whole new Galactic Season begins.

SWTOR Update Adds Weapon Customization to Outfitter and Tweaks Flashpoints and Operations Balance

The Star Wars: The Old Republic team continues updating the game with both new features and updates based on player feedback. The latest update introduces weapons into the Outfitter, renames several currencies, and includes some adjustments to Flashpoints and Operations.

SWTOR Update 7.0.1 is Live, Brings Mission Availability and Balance Changes, Rewards and GTN issues Reported

Update 7.0.1 for Star Wars: The Old Republic brings many promised updates to mission availability, balance changes, accessibility tweaks, and more. But a couple new issues have been reported.

SWTOR's Chris Schmidt Breaks Down Context of Big Changes Based on Player Feedback Starting in 7.01

Design Director Chris Schmidt has written an update to the Star Wars: The Old Republic community to break down all of the details of fixes and changes coming based on player feedback to 7.0 changes,

SWTOR's Keith Kanneg Talks What BioWare is Doing Post 7.0, With Major Fixes Coming This Month

SWTOR director Keith Kanneg posted a community update on feedback and work that is following 7.0's less than smooth launch.

Test the R-4 Anomaly Operation on the Star Wars: The Old Republic PTS Now

The R-4 Anomaly Operation is now up for testing on the SWTOR PTS. The current PTS phase is testing the next update, which will focus on fixes and accessibility.

Legacy of the Sith Arrives, Bringing 'Disorder' to Star Wars: The Old Republic

Legacy of the Sith is now live with a brand new cinematic trailer, bringing a brand new campaign, along with huge overhauls to classes, itemization and gearing, a new level cap increase, and much more to Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Wraps Up Legacy of the Sith PTS With a Summary of Changes

SWTOR is wrapping up its Legacy of the Sith PTS with a wrap of changes and feedback progress, plus a pledge to continue listening to players post-launch on some key issues.

SWTOR's Legacy of the Sith Story Trailer Shows Darth Malgus Has a New Plan

SWTOR Legacy of the Sith is coming on February 15th, and the new story trailer shows Darth Malgus is back with an all new plot that will shape the game in 2022.

Devs Still Want Your Legacy of the Sith PTS Feedback for Star Wars: The Old Republic

With Legacy of the Sith coming in just under a month, the Star Wars: The Old Republic PTS is still running to test many of the overhauled systems, story, and new features coming

SWTOR Project Director Keith Kanneg Marks 10th Anniversary and Looks Ahead

 Star Wars: The Old Republic officially launched on December 20, 2011. To mark the 10th anniversary, Project Keith Kanneg shared thoughts on the decade of SWTOR and what's ahead, both coming with and beyond Legacy of the Sith.

MMORPG.com's 2021 Game of the Year Awards

The end of 2021 is approaching, and while it's not been nearly as difficult as 2020 was, it was still rife with its own slew of issues. Thankfully there have been games to keep many of us sane over the past twelve months. The MMORPG staff put the vote to our favorite games, most anticipated, as well as biggest disappointments this year. Here are the results of our Best of 2021 Awards.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Will Celebrate Its 10th Anniversary With a Yearlong Event

BioWare has updated the December event calendar for Star Wars the Old Republic and announced by way of this update that the game's 10th anniversary is going to be a year-long event.