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Star Wars: The Old Republic Reveals What's Coming in Update 7.3, 'Old Wounds'

Star Wars: The Old Republic unveiled update 7.3, "Old Wounds"  on a special stream. Expect a new story, a new Flashpoint, PvP changes, and a return to Voss.

Log into Star Wars: The Old Republic for a Free Droid Mini-Pet to Mark Star Wars Jedi: Survivor's Release

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is out today, and if you're a Star Wars: The Old Republic player, you can log in for a free mini-pet to mark the release of Respawn's sequel.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Opening Cloud-Based Test Server to Prepare for Eventual Live Server Migration

A new test server will open in April to help the Star Wars: The Old Republic team gather data to inform their eventual planned migration of the game's live servers to the cloud.

Update 7.2.1 for Star Wars: The Old Republic Starts New Galactic Seasons and PvP Tracks, Adds 64-Bit Client

Star Wars: The Old Republic got Update 7.2.1, starting Galactic Seasons 4 and PVP Season 2 reward tracks.This also introduces the 64-bit game client, some changes to help the in-game economy, and of course, new rewards. 

Star Wars: The Old Republic Will Open PTS for Update 7.2.1 With New Galactic and PvP Seasons, 64-Bit Client

Update 7.2.1 for Star Wars: The Old Republic will hit the PTS soon, bringing the 64-bit client build, Galactic Season 4, PvP Season 2, new rewards, and steps to combat credit inflation.

Is it Time to Say Goodbye to Sword and Sorcery Fantasy Games? | One Good Roll

Steven is a fan of fantasy settings, but he feels like developers have become complacent with the sword and sorcery combination. Do you think it's time developers branch out into new horizons?

Star Wars: The Old Republic Marks 11th Anniversary Opens 64-Bit Version on PTS

Star Wars: The Old Republic is marking its 11th anniversary,  with a double XP event and additional sales. BioWare has also opened the 64-bit version of the game to the PTS as part of forward-looking modernization plans.

Showdown on Ruhnuk, SWTOR Update 7.2, is Live With New Planet, New Story, PvP Revamp, and More

Showdown on Ruhnuk, Star Wars: The Old Republic's latest update is live with a new planet, Ruhnuk, new story content, including the hunt for Heta Kol and her band of Mandalorians. There are also changes to PvP, a new Daily Area, some gearing changes, and Life Day celebrations.

Update 7.2 Bringing a New Planet, New Story Content, a PvP Overhaul, and More to Star Wars: The Old Republic

Update 7.2 for Star Wars: The Old Republic will introduce a brand new planet, new story content (including some Mandalorians), additional focus on several characters, overhauled PvP, and more.

After a Brief Delay, SWTOR Officially Opens Galactic Seasons 3, With New Companion and Rewards Up for Grabs

After a brief delay to patch an issue, Galactic Seasons 3: Luck of the Draw, is open in Star Wars: The Old Republic, bringing a new droid companion, rewards, and improved reputation track.

Star Wars: The Old Republic 7.1.1 Brings New Conquest to Manaan, But Galactic Seasons 3 Start is Delayed

The latest Star Wars: The Old Republic update, 7.1.1 brings new Outfitter options, a new invadable planet to Manaan, and sets the Feast of Prosperity up, but the start of Galactic Seasons 3 has been delayed until a fix is ready.

Update 7.1 Coming Tomorrow for Star Wars: The Old Republic With New Story, R-4 Operation, and Much More

Continue the story with new content on Darth Malgus' plans with tomorrow's Star Wars: The Old Republic update, which also brings the R-4 Anomaly Operation, new item rating increases, and more.

SWTOR Team Details 7.1, New Story, R-4 Anomaly Operation, Manaan Daily Area, Raised Item Levels, and More

The Star Wars: The Old Republic team detailed update 7.1 in a new livestream. Expect more story, the R-4 Anomaly operation, the Manaan Daily Area and how you could influence it, increased item levels, the return of mods, and more.

Creative Director Charles Boyd Leaves SWTOR, Team Shifts and Promotions Ahead of 7.1 on August 2nd

There are some changes over at Star Wars: The Old Republic. Creative Director Charles Boyd is leaving, and some shifts and promotions happening ahead of 7.1, which is out on August 2nd.

Star Wars The Old Republic July Events Brings Pirates, Bounties And More

Star Wars: The Old Republic is getting players ready for its upcoming events this month, detailing its upcoming events calendar on the official website. Events include a Pirate Incursion, a little bounty hunting and more.