Star Citizen's latest in-game ship package, Legatus, will cost as much as buying a brand-new car in 2023, for some reason.
Star Citizen kicks off another Intergalactic Aerospace Expo event today, with free flight for more than 130 vehicles, new reveals, an expanded show floor, and more to explore.
Star Citizen's single-player campaign, Squadron 42, is now "feature complete," according to Cloud Imperium Games' Chris Roberts in a video released over the weekend at CitizenCon.
Star Citizen This weekend, Star Citizen's CitizenCon 2953 will be back as an-person event at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Since this is the first time in several years that the con is being held in person, Cloud Imperium Games is making the event's return a big one.
Star Citizen has just released Alpha 3.20, "Fully Loaded" and this is a big update, with new content, new maps, new ships, and a bunch of overhauls.
As Star Citizen continues its long journey toward a full launch, eventually, the developer has changed how its going to be handling its public test universe moving forward.
Today, Star Citizen begins the Foundation Festival to encourage new users, and even bring new and experienced players together for guide sessions and rewards. The festival also begins a new Free Fly event.
Alpha 3.19: Call to Adventure for Star Citizen adds new mining and salvage features, expands salvage, adds aplayer-driven PvP event, and an overhauled New Player Experience.
Star Citizen, the ambitious space simulation game by Cloud Imperium Games, has just released its latest Alpha 3.18 update titled Lasting Legacies.
Development on Star Citizen continues, and there's a new roadmap update from the team on Alpha 3.18, including some additions, changes, fixes, and performance improvements.
The money has been spent, the game is veritably nonexistent, and yet, the developer still has the audacity to talk about the future, after fleecing so many over a promise that will never materialize. Chronicles of Elyria, Kingdoms of Elyria, and projects like it must end now!
It's almost CitizenCon time and a big week for Star Citizen. Cloud Imperium has revealed the upcoming talks and a special gift pack for backers with a special party animal included.
It's Ship Showdown and its free fly event time again in Star Citizen. You'll be able to test fly the top eight ships selected by the community over the next week,
Star Citizen gets its latest alpha update, 3.172, which adds a new anti-aircraft vehicle, doubles capacity per server, and begins the new Siege of Orison event.
After opening up its Public Testing Universe to all backers, Star Citizen will explore increased capacity after testing this went so well.