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Lord of the Rings Online Provides a Coupon Code As Thank You Gift, VIP Sub Time Compensation News Coming Soon

In a recent forum post from the community manager Cordovan on the Lord of the Rings Online website, a "Thank You Coupon" is available for players affected by the downtime and additional troubles that gamers have experienced over the past couple weeks. The coupon comes along with an apology for the downtime and points to issues with the data center and other environments affecting the playability of LOTRO.

[UPDATE] The Lord of the Rings Online's Servers Opened After Being Brought Offline Yesterday

Standing Stone Games brought down all of the game worlds in The Lord of the Rings Online yesterday, and as of this morning the servers remain offline. This continues over a week of instability and downtime that has marred the end of the Midsummer Festival in Middle-earth.

Festivals, Missions And More - An Interview With LotRO's Rob Ciccolini

As the team at Standing Stone Games celebrates another festival, this time tied to Aragorn and Arwen's wedding, we sat down with executive producer Rob Ciccolini to discuss festivals and the future of The Lord of the Rings Online.

The Lord of the Rings Online Update 26 Brings Players To Wilderland

The Lord of the Rings Online has had a busy few days. Celebrating its 13th anniversary this week, the team at Standing Stone Games also releases one of it's largest patches - Update 26: Mists of Wilderland.

Standing Stone Games Just Made Most Of LotRO and DDO's Content Free For a Short Time

Players eager to hop into The Lord of the Rings Online or Dungeons & Dragons Online but were worried about paying for content during the current climate, Standing Stone Games is here to help.

Aragorn And Arwen's Wedding Coming To The Lord of the Rings Online

In a Q&A with fans at PAX East this past weekend, fans of The Lord of the Rings Online were given a treat as Executive Producer Rob "Severlin" Ciccolini confirmed Arwen and Aragorn's wedding coming as well as a new Gundabad-themed expansion.