Preview the upcoming brand new region of Swanfleet coming in the Before the Shadow mini expansion for The Lord of the Rings Online.
Before the Shadow, the new mini-expansion is on the way, and The Lord of the Rings Online is giving away a number of quest packs for free again.
Yesterday, the latest patch for Dungeons & Dragons Online caused an issue with Reincarnation Caches, leading the devs to bring the servers down for a fix. Downtime has lasted for nearly 24 hours.
Before the Shadow, the upcoming mini-expansion for The Lord of the Rings Online, is now open for preorder. The content includes all new quests aimed at levels 1-32, with a Delving difficulty system to let higher levels increase difficulty, a new instance, new Skirmish, and two new regions.
Dungeons & Dragons Online has released its new update, Archetypes and Archvillains, and the new content and options just might change how you play.
In a new interview, LotRO's dev team talked housing, specifically the future of the feature, improvements to the housing system, and teased what the next neighborhood won't be in Middle-earth.
A mini expansion for The Lord of the Rings Online, Before the Shadow has been officially unveiled. The new content will focus on levels 1-32 but also feature a new instance, Skirmish, and more for all.
If you're looking for a challenge, Dungeons and Dragons Online has just opened its sixth permadeath Hardcore League. The game also gets a housekeeping update with fixes.
The Further Adventures of Elladan and Elrohir, the new update for The Lord of the Rings Online, adds new quest content and begins delivering on many promised PvMP improvements and changes.
Next week, Hardcore League 6 brings back the hardest Dungeons & Dragons Online mode with permadeath and a challenge for all that feel confident enough to attempt it.
In a new producer's letter, The Lord of the Rings Online detailed some fo the myriad changes players can expect to see over the next quarter. Looming large on the horizon is the shut down of the original Legendary World, Anor. However, players can also expect to see some welcome changes, including expanding some classes to races previously unable to use them.
The Midsummer Festival is back in The Lord of the Rings Online and you can gather to celebrate, complete dozens of quests, and grab some goodies.
After several years, The Lord of the Rings Online will discontinue official support for the MacOS client on August 25th.
The next expansion for Dungeons & Dragons Online, Isle of Dread, has been delayed. The team does have a new behind the scenes look at the design process of the feline Tabaxi race, which comes with the expansion.
Season 2 of the Legendary Item Reward Track has begun in The Lord of the Rings Online. The latest update also updates some quests, makes minor fixes to Lore-master and Champion, and adds additional fixes.