The Palia team has been teasing a few upcoming additions recently, including a new character and accompanying story. Subira, a Watcher from the Order, arrives in the most recent update, along with new areas, new furniture, and the ability to sit in chairs
Palia has added a series of new, free character customization options, added Starstones to mining nodes, raised some housing limits, and more quality of life additions and improvements.
Palia is preparing to release some helpful features and improvements, along with teasing a new NPC, a new creature, and a whole new system on the way: Starstones.
Palia has added regional servers for European players in its new update, which also sees the game arrive on the Epic Games Store.
Palia adds a brand new romance, gets dressed up for Halloween, and adds new items and improvements with its latest update.
The Palia team has a wrapup on their first big event since open beta began in August, Maji Market, along with a patch with new outfits, economic changes, and a whole new marketplace.
 The Palia team continues updating the game and adding features since the open beta began. This time, there's a new series of hotfixes, plus some new furniture, new crops and recipes, and a whole new place to explore.
Palia, the cozy social MMO that has captivated many gamers looking for something a little different, recently celebrated a significant milestone: reaching 300,000 members on their Discord server.
Now that Palia has been in open beta for a couple of weeks, the team has made changes in response to feedback on monetization. This comes as a new game update adds the Maji Market event, new emote, and fixes.
The Palia team outlines August, promises a "REVEAL", and plans a hub for all the community feedback they're getting and what they might change.
PC open beta has begun for Palia, with the Singularity 6 team reflecting on the lessons from closed testing, and helping everyone get started on their new adventure in the cozy MMO.
Palia is now in closed beta on PC. Singularity 6 has a new trailer, and a getting started guide for new Palians, citing some highlights on how you might want to spend your time in the cozy MMO sim.
This week, Palia heads into closed beta, before open beta next week. Game Director Aidan Karabaich has a new letter to the community on the road to beta and some of their plans for the rest of 2023.
The Palia team held an in-depth stream showing off gameplay systems, characters, multiplayer fun, housing, and so much more.
On August 2nd, cozy sim Palia will enter closed beta on PC, with an open beta starting August 10th. This month, expect an in-depth livestream and one more stress test.