On Friday the 13th, at 2PM EST, World of Warcraft is going all in on a Shadowlands Beta on the Torghast realm. The plan is to set the conditions for the Shadowlands launch, and test the transition between Battle for Azeroth to Shadowlands, they request players join them for the test.
Robin outlines the past week and moving forward, as Blizzard initiated the first character wipe since Alpha started back on April 9th. Join her as she talks about what the wipe may mean and her take on the ongoing tests.
World of Warcraft Community Manager Kaivax has posted some information on changes Blizzard is going to be testing next week in the Shadowlands Beta. The changes are primarily centered around Conduits, and by extension Soulbinds.
A host of new updates from Blizzard provide us some additional information about World of Warcraft's imminent expansion, Shadowlands.