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5 Results
Blizzard Adds Shadowlands Beta to Launcher, Notes Changes to Druid and Paladin Covenant Abilities

A host of new updates from Blizzard provide us some additional information about World of Warcraft's imminent expansion, Shadowlands.

Blizzard Previews WoW's Shadowlands Maldraxxus and the Necrolord Covenant

In case you missed it, Blizzard shared a preview for Shadowlands' Maldraxxus and the Necrolord Covenant, set to arrive when the expansion hits World of Warcraft later this year.

Torghast's Torment of the Tower Sees Updates and Changes in World of Warcraft

Updates have been made to the Torments of the Tower mechanic for World of Warcraft's Torghast. Here's what's changed.

Latest Shadowlands Alpha Datamine Reveals Minor Info on Zones, Armor, More

The latest World of Warcraft datamine for Shadowlands alpha build 34278 shared minor details involving zones, armor, and more.

World of Warcraft's Shadowlands Alpha Gets a Little More Gothic

Robin talks about the region of Revendreth in her latest column on the World of Warcraft Shadowlands Alpha.