All eyes have been on FFXIV the past few years, but a new MMORPG can be intimidating. We go over what to keep in mind if you're looking to dive in!
As we close out 2021, oftentimes we tend to look back on the year that was and ask 'What if?' When it comes to the world of MMORPGs, Bradford has quite a few of them. As he details one of his largest MMO regrets of the year, he is wondering what yours might be?
We're entering that time on the calendar where multiple games are getting expansions. It doesn't happen every year where you see three or four MMOs getting expanded upon, but this year we're definitely being given a treat. Expansions themselves can help define the lifetime of an MMO - so is there one that stands out to you?
According to director Naoki Yoshida, Endwalker will be really, really big. Enormously big
Final Fantasy 14's Shadowbringers story is coming to a close soon with Endwalker on the horizon, and today players can start to dive into the last story patch before the next expansion.
While the final lead-up to Endwalker builds up, the side content shines in the latest content update for FFXIV.
The FFXIV playerbase hasn't been told of an announcement of this size and hype in a while -- so is an expansion coming, or what?
Bradford explores three things he wishes MMOs would do a better job of in game, including things like fostering a better in-game community, better tools for player economies, and more.
February 2nd is fast approaching, and with it comes Final Fantasy XIV's latest patch update to the MMORPG. Patch 5.45 will bring with it changes to the Blue Mage job, as well as new upgrades to Skysteel Tools and more.
Shadowbringers insists on the good will of humanity to move its stories forward. Elsewhere, FFXIV's realistic cruelty is often more interesting
Final Fantasy XIV revealed more information about its upcoming patch, 5.4, title "Futures Rewritten." The team also dropped a new trailer today for the venerable MMORPG's next content patch.
On the heels of one of FFXIV's most praised content drops, we talked to its director about lore crafting, craft-crafting, mahjong, and plenty more.
Victoria had minimal experience with MMORPGs and is normally adverse to RPGs, but Final Fantasy 14 finally hit the spot.
Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers' latest event, dubbed The Rising, is set to start today.
The site for Final Fantasy XIV Patch 5.3 Reflections in Crystal is now live, with the update slated for release on August 11.