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12 Results
New World: Aeternum Announces New Round of Server Merges Across Regions

New World: Aeternum is getting a round of server merges this month across regions. Amazon released details on affected servers and info on how to prepare for the changes.

New World: Aeternum Announces a Round of Upcoming Server Merges

New World: Aeternum will merge servers on December 5th. Amazon released info on which servers are affected, as well as info on the process to know before the changes begin.

Season of the Guardian Will Launch April 2nd in New World, With Server Merges This Week

New World's Season of the Guardian has an updated launch date - April 2nd. The new season was previously delayed for additional work. Amazon is also merging some servers this week, ahead of the next big update.

Rift is Getting a New Round of Server Merges, Gamigo Offers Chance to Manually Transfer Before Then

Gamigo has announced that Rift will get a series of server merges in the North American region.

New World Server Merges To Begin in Response to Population Dips After Rise of the Angry Earth Expansion

The New World team begins a round of server merges intended to follow population dips following the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion in October.

ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained to Merge into One Experience in November

ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained will soon merge into one experience, Kakao Games announced. A lot of data is going to move, so the team has detailed everything you need to know to prepare.

Tower of Fantasy Will Merge Servers Within Regions to Improve Performance and Reduce Wait Times

Tower of Fantasy will begin a new round of server merges starting tomorrow and carrying into Wednesday. The merges will be within regions, to help server populations. This will also mark the end of server transfers. 

New World Merging a Few Servers in Three Regions Tomorrow

A small round of server merges is coming to New World tomorrow.

New World Sets a Few More Server Merges and the Return of 30-day Server Transfer Cooldown

Next week, New World will merge a handful of servers and revert the cooldown changes on server transfers, returning it to 30 days.

New World Announces Next Round of Server Merges Coming Next Week

Next week, New World gets another round of server merges intended to keep active player populations and a healthy economy.

New World Legacy Server Merges Begin Tonight, With Australian Merge Canceled After Feedback

New World's plans to merge a round of legacy servers will begin later tonight. Amazon has changed plans in response to community feedback, deciding to not merge Australian server Eridu into Delos.

New World to Test Server Merges Next Week - Aims to Incentivize Underdog Factions

Last week community manager Luxendra responded in a thread asking for server merges with a definitive "they are on the horizon", without giving too many details on how soon players can really expect them. This week, information was provided with the first step in the path to server merges, which is to test a server merge on the Public Test Realm (PTR).