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Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore Shares 'Unfortunate News' Amidst Update Issues

In the latest development from the world of Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore, the game's developers, Team Gellyberry, have announced a series of changes and delays to their roadmap.

Lord of the Rings Online - Players Start Petition to Force Standing Stone to Acknowledge Poor Servers

Yesterday it was reported that Standing Stone Games is yet again having trouble with server stability, and Lord of the Rings Online was adversely affected. Players have now started a petition in an attempt to get Standing Stone Games to admit their infrastructure is poor, and that they are going to do something about it!

World Chat Has Returned To The Lord of the Rings Online

World chat has returned to The Lord of the Rings Online, allowing players to converse in the game again after almost a full week of the chat being turned off on all servers.

Lord of the Rings Online Provides a Coupon Code As Thank You Gift, VIP Sub Time Compensation News Coming Soon

In a recent forum post from the community manager Cordovan on the Lord of the Rings Online website, a "Thank You Coupon" is available for players affected by the downtime and additional troubles that gamers have experienced over the past couple weeks. The coupon comes along with an apology for the downtime and points to issues with the data center and other environments affecting the playability of LOTRO.

[UPDATE] The Lord of the Rings Online's Servers Opened After Being Brought Offline Yesterday

Standing Stone Games brought down all of the game worlds in The Lord of the Rings Online yesterday, and as of this morning the servers remain offline. This continues over a week of instability and downtime that has marred the end of the Midsummer Festival in Middle-earth.

Everquest Reducing Server Capacity To Combat Performance issues

In an update on their forums, the EverQuest team has announced some changes coming to the Aradune server.