The massively popular mobile card game Marvel Snap has likely found a new US-based publisher, per a now-deleted official tweet.
Marvel Snap's latest development roadmap sees the return of Character Mastery and other exciting features.
Marvel Snap's 'We Are Venom' season is now live.
Sandman and War Machine get some significant changes in Marvel Snap's latest patch.
Second Dinner's got more nerfs for Arishem and buffs for Thanos in its latest Marvel Snap balance patch.
The Young Avengers join Marvel Snap in the game's latest season update.
A new social feature has finally arrived in Marvel Snap with the introduction of Alliances in a patch deployed by Second Dinner earlier this week.
Arishem is still everywhere in Marvel Snap, but Second Dinner's taken him down a peg with a number of nerfs.
Deadpool's taken over Marvel Snap in its latest season update.
Second Dinner's latest game update for Marvel Snap is a bit of a light one, but the team promises it's all setting up for upcoming features such as Deadpool's Diner, Alliances, and more.
Second Dinner recently issued an update on a controversial new feature coming to Marvel Snap called Leagues.
Captain America gets his groove back in Marvel Snap's latest balance patch.
Second Dinner's latest over-the-air balance patch is out for Marvel Snap and it brings some unsurprising but necessary changes along with it.
Second Dinner deployed another over-the-air update for Marvel Snap earlier this week.
Second Dinner's latest Marvel Snap update is a big one, bringing not only a number of impactful balance changes but also some game features that fans have been anticipating for quite some time.