Riot Games has previewed the upcoming 2025 season for League of Legends and there's plenty for players to be excited about.
Fractured Online is going free to play on November 20th, and switching to a seasonal model. Here's what Season 1 will look like.
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen will add guilds in time for this weekend's test build update.
Funcom is changing Conan Exiles' update cadence and structure, ending Battle Passes, and continuing with additional in-between updates, including one released this week.
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is already almost at the middle of Season 3, The Land of Blood and Snow, and the latest dev update is centered around Hanngore and what's coming in the mid-Season patch in early June.
AFK Journey has a new login campaign, a new map, and a season coming. There's new info on progression, how the team will work their seasons, AFKing and progress, and working to prevent the usual gacha game pitfalls.
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen shares updates about its development in the midst of its first "Season" of playtesting, from new additions to fixes.
A new community Q&A from the Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen team answers qustions, talks improvements ahead in season 2 and beyond, why no season pass, and much more.
Kevin is a backer of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. As someone who will be testing the seasons in the coming weeks, he gives his thoughts on the community sentiment now that Seasons are live - as well as his own.
Pantheon's new Seasonal testing model launched over the weekend, opening the MMO up to perpetual testing for the first time.
New World is shifting to a seasonal model, Amazon Games has announced this morning, bringing a major change in how updates are released for the MMORPG. Additionally, the new roadmap by Amazon Games has the team planning to release its next expansion in the Fall of 2023.
Season 1 for Fallout 76 is set to begin tomorrow. Here's what's in store.
A recent blog from the Fallout 76 team looks at PTS, an upcoming double XP weekend, and more.
Six days after making the initial announcement on seasons coming to Fallout 76, Bethesda has finally clarified that, yes, seasons will be free for all players.
Fallout 76 has received a roadmap for the remainder of 2020 which introduces seasons.