There was a bit of duping going on in Star Citizen that allowed players to gain massive amounts of in-game currency, but those who utilized this exploit are being banned left, right, and center.
Star Citizen has crossed another crowdfunding milestone, hitting over $703 million raised as the latest round of Invictus Launch Week wraps today.
Star Citizen will be free to play, with a three-day "Free Fly" event allowing players to take vehicles for a spin.
Roberts Space Industries, the team behind the infamous always-in-progress MMORPG Star Citizen, believes it's closer than ever to its 1.0 "commercial release" product after some shakeups.
Star Citizen's latest in-game ship package, Legatus, will cost as much as buying a brand-new car in 2023, for some reason.
Star Citizen has just released Alpha 3.20, "Fully Loaded" and this is a big update, with new content, new maps, new ships, and a bunch of overhauls.
As Star Citizen continues its long journey toward a full launch, eventually, the developer has changed how its going to be handling its public test universe moving forward.
Today, Star Citizen begins the Foundation Festival to encourage new users, and even bring new and experienced players together for guide sessions and rewards. The festival also begins a new Free Fly event.
Alpha 3.19: Call to Adventure for Star Citizen adds new mining and salvage features, expands salvage, adds aplayer-driven PvP event, and an overhauled New Player Experience.
It's Ship Showdown and its free fly event time again in Star Citizen. You'll be able to test fly the top eight ships selected by the community over the next week,
May in Star Citizen came with some announcements, community events, and more, but there were many changes that look to improve immersion and realism along with spectacle and fun.
The economy now includes some new features that let Star Citizen players make some extra credits, including resources, mining gadgets, selling in-space ship refuels to customers, and more.
Roberts Space Industries has gone into full details about the new medical gameplay features in Star Citizen update Alpha 3.15.
The October monthly report for Star Citizen is out and last month's CitizenCon, which was an all digital event, saw previews and development progress on a number of features.
Star Citizen has reached $350 million in crowdfunding dollars, a new milestone for the in-development MMORPG. This comes after the Cloud Imperium Games revealed it raised over $5 million in February alone.