Well, wild legendary bears are here in Red Dead Online's newest update and you can pursue them if you dare.
You can pursue three legendary rams across the frontier in Red Dead Online, plus double XP and more this week.
A mysterious new buck has been spotted around Annesburg in Red Dead Online this week.
The Legendary Banded Gator has been sighted in Red Dead Online, providing ample opportunists for Naturalists.
If you've wanted to be a wildlife photographer but without the mess of actually going off into the wilderness, good news. Red Dead Online this week has you covered.
A brace of coyotes are the latest Legendary Animals in Red Dead Online this week, plus additional discounts and more.
New legendary animals are here in Red Dead Online in this week's latest update, plus your regular discounts and more.
Red Dead Online has received a new Pursuit called The Naturalist and more in this week's update,
Red Dead Online will reward you with a bunch of Bounty Hunter bonuses and rewards this week. Here's what you need to know.
Triple XP rewards are yours for certain activities in Red Dead Online this week.
Triple payouts await for Showdown modes in Red Dead Online this week.
Red Dead Online will grant double role XP on moonshiner and bounty missions this week.
This week in Red Dead Online will features some specially daily challenge rewards and more.
Red Dead Online will offer you a free Tarot Card Map and more this week.
If you're a moonshiner or collector, you'll be able to save big in Red Dead Online this week.