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7 Results
Smuggler's Dens, New Markets - Albion Online's Rogue Frontier Update is Up on the Test Server

Albion Online has put its Rogue Frontier update on the test server  ahead of its scheduled release next month.

The Elder Scrolls Online Update 44 is Now on the Public Test Server

Update 44 for The Elder Scrolls Online base game is now available on the Public Test Server.

Black Desert Online's Latest Global Lab Update Brings Guild Permission Updates, Black Stone Simplification

The BDO public test server update smooths out some major systems, including for guild permissions and sailors' upgrades.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Opens Up Testing On Its Galactic Trade Network Changes

Star Wars: The Old Republic has opened up its Public Test Server to 7.4 testing, and this week's test will include the changes coming to the Galactic Trade Network.

Fallout 76 Has Added a Second Expedition 'From Ashes to Fire' to PTS

In the latest Inside the Vault article, Bethesda showcases what's new in Season 9, which includes a bountiful list of changes that have been made since the Test Your Metal update went live last month. Check out what's new, and what's headed down the pipe on the PTS!

The Division 2 is Still Kicking! New Modes, Gear and Features in Testing for Much Needed Future Update

It's easy to get overloaded with so many great games out there right now, but that doesn't mean that some of our old favorites haven't been working hard at getting new content ready for their fans. Ubisoft has some features on The Division 2 public test server, ready for testing, and they are urging players to hop on over and leave some feedback as the prepare to push these changes to the live game.

Fallout 76's PTS Update Sees Players Confront Invaders From Beyond, Killer Robots

As if dealing with a post-apocalyptic landscape upon emerging from your vault in Fallout 76, now players have to worry about otherworldly invaders getting in the way. The latest game update for the survival game is playable on the Public Test Server, giving a glimpse into the next update this weekend.