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6 Results
Stars Reach Holds Pre-Alpha Playtest and Dives into Camera and Movement, and How This Shapes the Experience

Stars Reach has officially held its first pre-alpha playtest. Playable Worlds has a new blog focused on two key elements in these early stages of testing: the camera and movement.

Eternal Tombs' First Public Playtest Was Full of Queues and Crashes, But They Learned a Lot

Eternal Tombs began its first closed public pre-alpha playtest yesterday, and while there were a ton of issues, the team is learning from the issues, as they continue to plan for regular testing sessions.

Vindictus: Defying Fate's Pre-Alpha Playtest Begins, With Some Familiar Characters

Today, Nexon opens up the pre-alpha playtest for upcoming medieval-fantasy action RPG  Vindictus: Defying Fate. The test demo build is combat-centric,featuring two familiar characters to choose from.

Vindictus Defying Fate Pre-Alpha Test Starts Soon

Vindictus: Defying Fate shows off what's to come in Pre Alpha test.

Pantheon Rise of the Fallen Postpones Alpha Pledge Testing Due to Unresolved 'Persist' System Issues

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen has recently announced the postponement of its Pre-Alpha test session for Alpha pledges.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen November Newsletter Touts Improved Production Pace Thanks To New 247 Extraction Testing

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen released its latest recap post, which details the pre-alpha testing that has been occurring recently. As part of this month's newsletter, the team at Visionary Realms has touted its recent extraction mode testing as helping to improve its production pace since the testing began.