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Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Interview Paints Clearer Picture of What's Next

Pantheon: Rise Of The Fallen has been in development now for several years and Visionary Realms recently completed their Pre-Alpha 5 "Shake-Out" sessions. The October Producer's Letter and an interview with Producer Ben "Machail" Dean by content creator Nathan NAPALM released over the past week gives a clearer idea of what's next for PA5 and Pantheon's further development.

Pantheon Producer's Letter Talks Pre-Alpha 5

October's Producer's Letter for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen talk about the importance of pre-alpha 5 and more.

Pantheon - Newsletter Updates Players on Pre-Alpha Playtest, Explains the Shakeout

Last week we posted some information outlining what went on during Pantheon's State of the Game stream on July 30th. This week, a newsletter was posted on the official site with some answers to questions players might have, such as, what is a Shakeout?