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Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis Celebrates First Anniversary With New Quests, Sector Boss, and Bonuses

It wouldn't be an annicersary without decorations and presents, so Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis has both for its first anniversary, along with new challenges, new sector boss, a 5-star weapon, and lots of bonuses.

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Unveils Tundra Region, Kvaris, New Enemies, Weapons, and Snowboarding

New info for Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis reveals details about the June 8th update, the new snowy mountain region of Kvaris, new enemies, bosses, and snowboarding.

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis Raises Level Cap, Adds High Rank Sectors, Party Finder and Streaming Mode

The latest Phantasy Star Online 2 update is now live and brings some new features to Retem, social features like photo rooms, and raises the level cap to 45.

Phantasy Star Online 2 Getting New High Rank Retem Content, Geometric Labyrinth Team Challenge in April

Phantasy Star Online's April content update will bring new high rank Retem sectors, as well as the all-new team challenge Geometric Labyrinth, where you can fight enemy waves & complete missions for loot.

Phantasy Star Online 2 Spring Event Brings New Quests, a 5-Star Lumiere Weapon, and Progression Bonuses

It's spring in Phantasy Star Online 2 and the first half of the seasonal event is on, with new enemies, themed maps, new quests, and plenty of progression bonuses.

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis Spring Event in March, Big Content Update in April

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis is getting a March Speing event but April will bring a level cap increase, new challenges, and more.

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis Raising Level Cap, Adding New Side Story, and  New Ranked Sectors

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis is getting a level cap boost to 40, along with new ranked sectors, a new side story, and even a musical surprise.

 Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis Stellar Grace World Trial is Now Running, With Bonuses

 Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis gets its Stellar Grace World Trial this week.

Take Down Seasonal Enemies for Fun and Loot in the Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Winter Event

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Winter Event begins today, marking a January full of snow and loot to be grabbed.

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis Will Get NVIDIA DLSS Support Next Month

At CES today, support for NVIDIA DLSS was announced for Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis, which will arrive in February.

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis - Is it Time to Return for Retem?

It has been nearly 9 months since our review of Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis, and during that time, we've seen new classes grace the game, some quality-of-life features, and now a new region. Is Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis finally playing the right tune?

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis Delays Summoner Class to Focus on Content Improvements

 Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis will delay the Summoner's arrival into late 2022. Originally planned for the spring, the Summoner was included in pre-launch plans for the spring, but the recent roadmap heading into 2022 did not include it. 

Chapter 2 in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis Begins Today With the Sandstorm Requiem Update

Explore a new region and start Chapter 2 in the next phase of Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis. Sandstorm Requiem, the new major update, is out today with the new rocky desert region of Retem, new characters, enemies, a new field, and both new elemental techniques and class skills.

Phantasy Star Online 2: Sandstorm Requiem Coming December 15th, Special Events on Now

Phantasy Star Online 2 : New Genesis will get its first major update, Sandstorm Requiem, on December 15th. This update introduces the new region of Retem, increases the level cap, adds new skills, a new title system, and more.

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Chapter 2 Coming in December Sandstorm Requiem Update

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis is growing next month with the Sandstorm Requiem update, the game's first major update that includes the new Retem region, new enemies, new characters, skills, elemental techniques, and chapter 2 of the storyline content.