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Tomorrow, Tower of Fantasy Adds the Next Story Chapter, Reshape the Future, & Simulacrum Nemesis Voidpiercer

Tower of Fantasy's next update is coming tomorrow, and the full details have been released, along with a new Nemesis Voidpiercer simulacrum showcase. 

Tower of Fantasy Introduces Nemesis Voidpiercer, the Next Simulacrum, With Some Famiiar Origins

The next simulacrum, Nemesis Voidpiercer, for Tower of Fantasy gets a trailer and new details, and she ties into a lot of what has happened so far.

Tower of Fantasy Will Now Be Published By Perfect World Games and Players Must Transfer Accounts or Face Deletion

Tower of Fantasy, once published by Level Infinite will now transfer to Perfect World Games. Here's what you need to know about the shift in publisher.

Tower of Fantasy 3.4 is Now on PlayStation, With Events, Twitch Drops, and New Simulacrum, Nan Yin

Tower of Fantasy on PlayStation has just gotten version 3.4, "Butterfly in the Abyss". This brings new simulacrum Nan Yin on her mysterious dark plot, expands Marshville, and more adjustments.

Perfect New World Beta Impressions: A Long Way From Perfect But a Step in the Right Direction

Perfect New World's Equilibrious Test went live this week. After several hours, is this the Perfect New World you've been looking for? Here's our early impressions.