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20 Results
Tower of Fantasy Teases January Update, 4.6, 'Forging a New World', With a Dark New Trailer

Tower of Fantasy revealed its next update, " Forging a New World", with a dark, yet hopeful, new trailer and details on the next developments.

Tower of Fantasy Previews Cool Coastline, Version 4.2 Coming in August

Tower of Fantasy is getting ready to celebrate its second anniversary, along with a brand new update, version 4.2, Cool Coastline. 

Hotta Studio Announces 'Supernatural Urban Open-World RPG' Neverness to Everness

Neverness to Everness is a new supernatural urban open-world RPG from Hotta Studio, the developer behind Tower of Fantasy. Set in a city called Hethereau full of things to do and supernatural anomalies all over.

Tower of Fantasy 4.0 'Gesthos Sector' Update is Live

Tower of Fantasy gets version 4.0, Gesthos Sector, today. The update adds new simulacrum Roslyn, A brand new zone, new quests, the continuation of the story, and much more.

Tower of Fantasy Adds Snowy Zone of Marshville, and Showcases Frost Simulacrum Ling Han

Tower of Fantasy has released a showcase for the next simulacrum, Ling Han and her weapon, Alabaster Tiger, both of which arrive in today's update, "A Sword Dance of Ice". PlayStation players also get Ling Han in a new update.

Tower of Fantasy on PlayStation Gets 3.2, the Dragon Grove, With New Map, Simulacrum, and Boss

Version 3.2, The Dragon Grove is live in Tower of Fantasy on PlayStation. The new map, Joltville, new simulacrum, Huang (and her weapon/companion, Azure Dragon), and events mark the new update.

Tower of Fantasy is Coming to PlayStation 4/5 on August 8th

On August 8th, shared open-world MMO Tower of Fantasy is coming to PlayStation 4/5 via publisher Perfect World Games.

Neverwinter Accidentally Releases Sharandar Masterwork on PC, Will Remain as Console Launch Planned for May

Neverwinter got an accidental early release of the new Sharandar Masterwork professions to the live server on PC, but it will remain available. Plus, a guide to Appointment Events is out, with the newest one live this week.

Neverwinter Brings Back the Chickens With April Fowls This Week

April Fowls is coming to Neverwinter this week, with some all new rewards like the Zombie Chicken mount, and a chance to play as the Ne-crow-mancer in PvP.

Star Trek Online Shadow's Advance Brings Janeway and more Mirror Universe Content to Consoles

Shadow's Advance, the new update for Star Trek Online brings Voyager's Janeway and Mirror Universe content to the game on console

Star Trek Online and Neverwinter Ending Support for DirectX 10 and Windows 7 As of Tomorrow

PC players of Star Trek Online or Neverwinter will have to be running DirectX 11 and a later version of Windows than 7 after today.

What Could Be Perfect World's Unannounced Game?

It looks like Perfect World, of Star Trek Online and Neverwinter fame, are hiring for an unannounced game. What could it be?

Magic: Legends Details Difficulty Ahead Of This Month's Beta

Magic: Legends hits open beta later this month, and the ARPG is trying to give Planeswalkers a glimpse into some of the challenges they will be facing when they can enter the Magic Multiverse.

Magic: Legends Explores The Multiverse, Highlighting Launch Locations For Upcoming ARPG

Magic: Legends pulled back the veil a bit on what players can expect at launch, giving something of a primer for the Multiverse seen in the ARPG based on the popular card game.

Star Trek Online: House Reborn is Now Available on PC

The latest season for Star Trek Online is now available for PC. Titled, House Reborn, the new season is the beginning of the finale of the epic Klingon War, and will feature two new episodes for players to enjoy.