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6 Improvements Blizzard Needs To Make To The Diablo Immortal PC Beta

Although Diablo Immortal was announced in 2018 to be a mobile title, the ARPG launched with a PC beta. However, it's pretty clear it was an afterthought. Here are six ways Blizzard can improve the PC experience.

Bless Unleashed Final PC Beta Underway

The final PC beta for Bless Unleashed is now officially underway and will run through May 17. Here are the details you need to know.

Bless Unleashed Outlines UI/UX and System Optimizations for PC

With PC Closed Beta Testing underway for Bless Unleashed, Round8 has taken to the games' Steam Community page to layout some new UI/UX improvements that players will notice during the next CBT.

Bless Unleashed Announces Improvements To PC Version Ahead Of Next CBT2

Bless Unleashed took to its Steam community to highlight some of the changes the team is implementing for the upcoming second closed beta test on PC.

Bless Unleashed PC Beta Starts November 4th

Bless Unleashed will host its 5-day closed beta test on November 4th. Players that participate will receive exclusive rewards that will be available when the game launches on PC in 2021.