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PAX East 2023: Final Fantasy XIV Panel Highlights

The Final Fantasy XIV Panel was one of the things Robin was looking forward to seeing at PAX East this year the most, and it didn't disappoint at all. Here are some of the highlights from the panel itself, after a bit of time to let the details marinate.

Interview: After Two Years In Early Access, Everspace 2 Is Cleared For 1.0 Launch

Two years ago, Everspace 2 officially entered Early Access, which gave players an early look into the series's new space exploring approach. With the game's 1.0 launch now here, there's plenty to discuss before we blast off into the unknown for the first time. We spoke with Rockfish Games' Erik Schrader about the 1.0 launch last month at PAX East.

To Infinity And Beyond: Artix Entertainment's Adam Bohn Talks 20 Years Of AdventureQuest

After 20 years, AdventureQuest is still updating and growing. We talked to Artix Entertainment's Adam Bohn about two decades of the franchise, memorable moments, and the future.

PAX East 2023: Wayfinder Team Clarifies Reveals, Answers Questions, and Wants You to Avoid FOMO

At PAX East, Robin played a new Wayfinder demo and interviewed Creative Director Joe Madureira, President Ryan Stefanelli, and Marketing and Engagement Director AJ LaSaracina to clarify previous points, get new details, and go deep into the reveals.