No Man's Sky has released a humongous update titled, Origins, that has expanded the universe, added a ton of new worlds to explore, creatures to discover, and new weather effects to contend with. The landscapes have also diversified quite a bit, making the universe of No Man's Sky much more visually appealing.
Hello Games has announced that No Man's Sky's latest content drop, dubbed Origins, is set to release next week.
No Man's Sky has definitely recovered from its launch just a few years ago, with the team pumping out update after update to improve the experience and bring it closer to the vision gamers were promised in 2016. Now, Sean Murray, the head of Hello Games is talking, albeit vaguely, about his team's next upcoming project in a new interview.
New No Man's Sky experimental content was released to the branch earlier, bringing a rather odd change.
Hello Games has announced a new update for No Man's Sky, entitled Desolation. Fans that are familiar with No Man's Sky and the way they procedurally generate content will be happy to hear that Hello Games is keeping with that design decision with procedurally-generated freighters that players can find throughout the universe.
No Man's Sky is set to receive cross play tomorrow, June 11, among a host of other features and improvements.
You can pilot an Exo Mech in No Man's Sky in update 2.4.
Have you ever wanted to add a bobblehead to the cockpit of your ship in No Man's Sky? Well, now you can.