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3 Results
In the New Year is it Time for a New MMORPG? | One Good Roll

In 2023, however, there is nothing but a proverbial open road of new adventures to be had. I've decided to branch out and try some new MMORPGs in 2023. Will you join in on a new adventure next year?

Interview: Creator Of Ultima Online's Next MMO Leverages Blockchain and NFTs To Allow For Real Ownership Of The World

Ultima creator Richard Garriott has teamed up again with veteran game designer Todd Porter to launch a new MMO inspired by Ultima, but leveraging new technology like blockchains and NFTs. The concept? What if you could own land in Ultima? We sat down and talked to the duo about their upcoming MMO and how it'll work.

A New Fantasy MMORPG Chrono Odyssey is Planned for PC, Console and Mobile - Testing in 2021

A new Next-Gen Fantasy MMORPG is planned for PC, Consoles, and Mobile called Chrono Odyssey by South Korean studio NPIXEL, and is slated to go into testing in 2021, with a release sometime in 2022.