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27 Results
Naoki Yoshida Apologizes for Dawntrail Early Access Freeze Issues on Xbox, Says Fixes on the Way are 'High Priority'

With Dawntrail's recent early access launch, Final Fantasy XIV has been dealing with some of the usual issues surrounding a brand new expansion. On Xbox, where the MMORPG recently debuted, there are some big issues, and Naoki Yoshida has updated on the issues and the work the team is doing.

Interview: Three Questions for Naoki Yoshida at FFXIV Dawntrail's Media Tour

At the Dawntrail Media Tour, we got to sit down and have a brief chat with director and producer Naoki Yoshida.

Final Fantasy XVI: The Rising Tide Interview - Naoki Yoshida and Takeo Kujiraoka Talk Leviathan, a PC Demo and a Secret Endgame

We were able to sit down with DLC Director Takeo Kujiraoka, Producer Naoki Yoshida and Localization Director Michael-Christopher Koji Fox to talk about what's to come in Final Fantasy 16's upcoming DLC The Rising Tide.

FFXIV Director Naoki Yoshida: Graphics Update Forges "Better Environment" For Its Artists

The director spoke about Dawntrail changes in a Play magazine interview.

The Producer of Final Fantasy XIV Describes Where The Game Would Be Without Him

Following the first day of the Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival in Tokyo this month, director and producer of the franchise Naoki Yoshida did a brief but captivating interview giving insight on where the game might be without him around. 

Naoki Yoshida Discusses The Future of Final Fantasy XIV Alongside New Year's Greetings

In just a few short days, Final Fantasy fans will be able to take part in the Fan Festival 2024 in Tokyo, and the producer and director of Final Fantasy XIV had a few season's greetings to send the player's way. 

Games Could Be Accessible To All Via Cloud Streaming, Claims Final Fantasy 16 Director Naoki Yoshida 

If Final Fantasy 14 and 16's director had any say in the future, he'd knock down the barriers of gaming--with cloud gaming.  

Final Fantasy XVI Director Shares New Details On Upcoming DLC Episodes

Final Fantasy XVI director Hiroshi Takai revealed at this year's PlayStation Partner Awards that two DLC episodes are on the way for the game.

Final Fantasy 14's Naoki Yoshida Is Open To A TV Show, If It's Done Right

If you've ever wanted to watch your favorite Final Fantasy 14 characters in other mediums, like say, an anime, the team is open to the idea if the right offer comes along.

Final Fantasy Games Inside Final Fantasy 14 Would Require A "Super Level Programmer"

FFXIV director Naoki Yoshida said the team has explored other playable franchise games within the MMORPG.

Naoki Yoshida Warns Final Fantasy XIV Community on Third-Party Tools and Cheating in The Omega Protocol

Naoki Yoshida has strong warnings for those using third-party tools to get through Final Fantasy XIV's hard content, saying that development of that hard content only makes sense if people aren't cheating their way throguh it.

On Blue Protocol, Final Fantasy XIV's Naoki Yoshida Says More Options Make the MMORPG Genre Better

Commenting on Blue Protocol, Final Fantasy XIV Director and Producer Naoki Yoshida says that having many MMORPG options makes the genre better, and dev teams can learn from one another.

Final Fantasy XVI Trailer Focuses on Lore, Political Intrigue, and the Powerful Summons We Know

New Final Fantasy XVI trailer focuses on the lore, setting, and conflicts that will lead to war. We also meet the Dominants, those in each kingdom with the summon power to call on Ifrit, Shiva, Bahamut, and more to support their kingdom's side.

Final Fantasy XIV's Naoki Yoshida Muses About Hypothetical Battle Royale In New Interview

In a new interview, Final Fantasy XIV producer Naoki Yoshida mused about a new game mode for the MMO - hypothetical of course. Surprisingly, a battle royale featuring the Blue Mage class was brought up.

FFXIV Producer Explains Reasoning Behind New Savage Raid Changes

With the last update to Final Fantasy XIV, the team made some changes to the Pandaemonium Abyssos: The Eighth Circle Savage raid, changes that have left some in the community questioning exactly why this was made. According to Yoshi-P in a post on the FFXIV, basically, maths.