After two years, Black Desert Console finally has the Mountain of Eternal Winter update, along with its frigid new zone, quests, and important snowy weather system.Â
After much anticipation, the latest expansion for Black Desert Online dropped earlier this month. The Eternal Winter update added both a new class and an entirely new region. Did it live up to the hype? Let's find out.
Of all the creatures and people I've run into in my time with the Mountain of Eternal Winter expansion of Black Desert Online, which releases today, the little fox guy who greeted me at the get go has got to be my favorite. Lando gives off some serious goofy energy, which is much appreciated next to the rather dark and somber story Pearl Abyss is telling.
Black Desert's upcoming Eternal Winter expansion will be here soon, and with it will come a new class in the long-running MMORPG. The Drakania, a greatsword-wielding class, leans into its Dragonborn roots in the flashiest way possible: with fire and style.