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6 Results
Mortal Shell Review: A Well Crafted Souls-Like with its own Twist

Back in the day Dark Souls (or Demon Souls if you're truly old school) made a big mark on the gaming community with its punishing gameplay. The game mechanics should be hard to master but ultimately work for you - not against. Enter Mortal Shell.

Mortal Shell Is Getting a Physical Release After All

After many requests by the community, it looks like Mortal Shell will receive a physical edition after all.

Mortal Shell Beta Open for Everyone on PC

Good news in case you missed it. The Mortal Shell beta is now open for all on PC.

Mortal Shell Devs Provide Explanation for Epic Games Store Exclusivity

Mortal Shell developers have shared a lengthy post in their Discord channel outlining their decision for Epic Games Store exclusivity.

Mortal Shell Receives Trailer, Closed Beta Starts July 3

Mortal Shell has received a new trailer, along with news of a Closed Beta on July 3.

Action RPG, Mortal Shell, Announced Along with Beta Sign Ups

In case you missed it, Mortal Shell was announced recently, with a new trailer and all.