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4 Results
MMORPG.com Game Of The Year Awards 2023

The time has finally come - we revealed our Player's Choice winners last week, now check out our staff picks for this year's MMORPG.com Game of the Year Awards.

MMORPG.com Players' Choice Awards 2022 - VOTE NOW!

It's that time again: the MMORPG.com Players' Choice Awards! Awards season is taking over the games industry, and this is our time to recognize the best (and biggest disappointments) of the year that was.

MMORPG.com's Best Of Awards 2020

It's almost time for a new year, so we looked back on the year that was 2020 to recount the best (and worst) games we've played these last twelve months.

MMORPG Player's Choice Awards 2020 Voting Now Open

It's that time of year - Awards season has descended upon the gaming industry this month and we're no different! Here is your opportunity to have your voice heard in our Player's Choice Awards for 2020. Come and cast your vote for the biggest disappointment of the year, or what MMO you think should take the top crown!