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Latest EVE Online Pulse Video Details Zarzakh Awakening, Crimson Harvest Events

EVE Online is coming off a successful Fanfest late last month, and the team at CCP Games have released a new Pulse video highlighting the ongoing activities in EVE leading up till next month's Havoc expansion.

Gamescom 2023: Wayfinder Interview - Launch, Transparency, and Tanking Some Big Numbers

At Gamescom 2023, Ed had the chance to chat with the Wayfinder team about their launch, as difficult as it has been, and how the team is looking towards the future.

Monster Hunter Now Set To Launch September 14th But You Can Pre-Register Now To Unlock Bonuses

Monster Hunter Now, the latest mobile MMO AR game from Niantic, is set to bring its hulking monster to the world on September 14th. The AR game is available now for pre-registration with tiered bonuses set to unlock based on the amount of sign ups.

Interview: Talking Pirate101 and Wizard101's Steam Launch And Future With KingsIsle Entertainment

Pirate101, the swashbuckling MMORPG from developer KingsIsle Entertainment, has just sailed its way onto Steam. The good folks over at KingsIsle were gracious enough to drop anchor long enough to answer a few of our questions in the midst of what we can only imagine is a busy season.

Black Desert Mobile Freezes Over With New Everfrost Region, Guardian Class

Black Desert Mobile is starting to get a little bit chillier as it debuts its new Everfrost region to the mobile MMO today alongside a new class, the Guardian.

Kickstarter MMO Magic to Master Pulls Fake Testimonial Reviews After Being Caught Using Them; Claims They Were For 'Testing Purposes'

Earlier this morning, Kickstarter MMO Magic to Master was found to be using fake testimonial reviews by many sites on their funding page for the MMO, including a fake review attributed to MMORPG.com.

Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore Review In Progress - Maybe Wait On This One

If you've been interested in Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore, you might want to pump the brakes a little bit as the indie MMO has struggled to gain its footing since its launch. Emily talks about this in our latest review in progress.

Albion Online's Knightfall Update Has Ruined Mists

When Albion Online first released the Mists, they were far from perfectly balanced but they at least served a purpose. However, Nick explores how Albion Online's latest update, Knightfall, has potentially ruined Mists for the time being.

Warframe Duviri Paradox: Was It Worth The Wait?

Kanishka's been playing Warframe's Duviri Paradox almost nonstop since it launched last week. Check out his full thoughts on the content drop and whether or not it was worth the long wait.

Indie Sandbox MMO Ethyrial: Echoes Of Yore Launches May 1st

Indie sandbox MMO Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore has been heading towards launch, and now an official date has been locked down. Players can dive into the sandbox on May 1st as it launches on PC via Steam.

Online RPG Inkbound Launching On Steam Early Access May 22nd

Inkbound, the upcoming online RPG from Shiny Shoe, is releasing later this Spring, coming to Steam Early Access on May 22nd.

Embracer Announces It Has Five Lord of the Rings Games In The Works In Recent Financial Report

Embracer Group recently had its quarterly financial report, and the company revealed it has more Lord of the Rings titles in the works, as well as indications its current line up of MMOs seem to be doing well for the company overall.

Ethyrial: Echoes Of Yore Has A Timed Playtest Of Its Upcoming MMO As Part Of Steam Next Fest

Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore is hosting a timed playtest of its upcoming MMO as part of Steam Next Fest this week, giving players access to the old-school-inspired MMO from now through February 13th.

Maxis Clarifies That The Next Sims Title Won't Be An MMO

If you were hoping for a resurgence of The Sims Online, Maxis has shut that down in a recent statement.

World of Warcraft Players Upset With Trading Post Grind As New Trailer Heralds February 1st Launch

World of Warcraft's Trading Post is coming next week, opening up on February 1st. Blizzard doesn't want players to forget this, and as such has released a new trailer all about the new feature. However, as information starts to trickle out about how to get some of the cosmetics, players have already begun voicing concerns.