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296 Results
Sea of Thieves Has Seen 40 Million Pirates Sail Its Seas Since Launch

The pirate's life must be a popular one, as Sea of Thieves has welcomed 40 million players since launch. 

PSA: Star Citizen Has Updated Its Minimum System Requirements

Star Citizen has updated its already hefty system requirements to reflect more of an accurate range for new and old players alike. 

The Official RuneScape Cookbook is Now Available For Purchase

For those ready to whip up some delicious and iconic creations in the kitchen like some blend of an MMORPG Gordon Ramsay, the RuneScape Cookbook is now up for grabs. 

More Than 2 Million Players Have Signed Up for World of Warcraft When It Returns To China

Just a few days after NetEase revealed they will one again be partnering with Blizzard to bring World of Warcraft back to China, over two million players have already signed up to either recover or reactivate their accounts, or pre-registered in general. 

Dungeons and Dragons Online Launches VIP Loyalty Reward Program

Dungeons and Dragons Online is updating their existing VIP program alongside the current offers to add new benefits and rewards for their loyal fans and player base. 

One Of Black Desert Online's Best Systems Has Finally Been Expanded To All Classes

Black Desert Online is a meaty game, with tons of systems and features overlapping each other across its game world. One system, though, has been only available to one class in the MMO. Well, that has finally changed.

A New PVE Mode is coming to League of Legends

The developers at Riot Games have announced that the popular ever-growing MOBA League of Legends will be getting a new PVE mode later this year. 

Kickstarter MMO Starship Simulator Has Warped Past Its Initial Goal, Raising Over $375K With 10 Days Left On Its Campaign

The upcoming open-world MMO Starship Simulator has surpassed its initial Kickstarter goal with flying colors in just a matter of weeks. 

World of Warcraft Classic Continues To Thrive In New Ways On Private Servers

Despite WoW Classic releasing back in 2019, bringing an official way to play the iconic MMO's earliest days, private servers still keep the Classic community alive in new ways. Kazuma explores one such server, known as Turtle WoW.

Cozy MMO Palia Developer Singularity 6 Has Suffered Layoffs

Layoffs continue to rock the industry, as the latest round comes from Singularity 6, the developer responsible for the cozy MMO Palia.

Show Off Your Amazing Creations in Star Wars Galaxies: Legends' Galactic Homeshow Contest

Star Wars Galaxies: Legends is taking submissions for its latest Galactic Homeshow contest.

Embers Adrift Is Actually Getting A PvP Proving Grounds After April Fool's Tease

While Embers Adrift poked fun at itself on April Fool's Day, one tidbit in its gag apparently is real: the PvP Proving Grounds.

Plunderstorm: Impressions Of WoW's First Battle Royale

Plunderstorm, the new battle royale spin-off in World of Warcraft, has been out for a bit now and we've had a chance to sink our teeth into it - here are our impressions.

Sky: Children of the Light Coming To Steam Early Access April 10th

Fans of the tranquil free-to-play RPG Sky: Children of the Light will finally be able to enjoy what once began as just a mobile game on PC later this April. 

RuneScape Takes A Look At The Week Ahead As Well As Its Upcoming Cookbook

While taking a look at the week ahead in RuneScape, developer Jagex also took a moment in a recent post on their site to chow down on some delicious recipes for the MMO's upcoming cookbook.