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3 Results
Black Desert Online's Land of the Morning Light Update Shows Pearl Abyss Is Willing To Take Risks

When Pearl Abyss announced its upcoming Land of the Morning Light expansion, there felt like a bit of hesitation due to the fact it's so steeped in Korean culture and folklore. But Bradford thinks that while it could be risky, it's ultimately something that could end up feeling rather unique in the MMO space.

There's Something Awesome about Maegu (and a Criticism on Gear Progression)

Maegu released on Black Desert Online, and Lowry is a fan. Like, majorly so. Check out their thoughts, as well as some criticism on gear progression in BDO.

Black Desert Unveils More Story About Its New Twin Classes In New Audiobook

Black Desert is ramping up its push for the two Twin Classes in the MMO, and this time it's through the first of a four-part dramatized audiobook about the Maegu and the Woosa.