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4 Results
Excape From Tarkov's Latest Update, Streets Of Tarkov, Released, Twitch Drops Incoming

Escape From Tarkov's latest patch brings with it big changes to the co-op extraction looter, including a wipe, improvements to the co-op PvE mode, and new content called Streets of Tarkov.

Interview: Expedition Agartha: Taking The Extraction FPS And Going Melee

Expedition Agartha takes the hardcore, PvP survival looter extractor formula and turns it on its head with melee combat and a new, medieval-inspired setting. We sat down with developer Hunter Wu from Matrioshka Games to talk about how this was inspired and created.

Not So MMO: Godfall Review

Last week Mitch gave an overview of Godfall and his thoughts thus far. Now he's ready to pass his final verdict of the PS5/EGS title that ushers in next-gen.

Godfall - Review In Progress

Godfall hits both PC and PS5 this week, and Mitch has been keeping his eye on the action RPG ever since it was debuted about a year ago. But how does the looter RPG stack up thus far? Here are his initial thoughts on Godfall.