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Activision Blizzard Files Attempt to Investigate and Possibly Stop California Case Against the Company

Activision Blizzard has filed for a stay in its case with California over allegations of ethics violations in the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, threatening to undermine the entire case.

Activision Blizzard Case Gets New Twist With Accusations of Ethics Violations in California DHEF Appeal

A new twist in the Activision Blizzard legal situation, with the recent appeal seeking to stop the company's proposed settlement with the EEOC now possibly tainted by ethics violations due to its legal team.

California Agency Files Motion to Halt Activision Blizzard Settlement

One of the agencies investigating accusations against Activision Blizzard in California is now stepping in to attempt to prevent the company from finalizing its recently announced settlement with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC). 

Bungie CEO Ends Mandatory Arbitration, Calls on the Industry to Work Openly Towards Inclusion

Bungie CEO Pete Parsons announces a slew of changes to increase diversity and inclusion, including an end to mandatory arbitration clauses. This as a number of lawsuits facing other companies alleging discrimination are in process.

Activision Blizzard Settles EEOC Suit for Less Than What it Makes in One Day

Last week, it came to light that Activision Blizzard was under investigation by the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) and there were rumors the company was trying to reach a settlement. A settlement for $18m has been reached for claimants, along with oversight, and possible changes to hiring.

Epic CEO Says Apple Has Blacklisted Fortnite for Years to Come

Despite a recent judge's ruling, Epic Games' request to reinstate Fortnite to the Apple App Store was denied, and Apple may keep it gone for years.

Overwatch 2's Executive Producer Leaves Blizzard

Another high profile departure is happening at Activision Blizzard, this time Overwatch's Executive Producer Chacko Sonny. The developer is leaving the company Friday, Bloomberg has reported, calling working for the company "an absolute privilege."

Activision Blizzard Addresses Ongoing Investigations In New Press Release: 'We Remain Committed To Addressing All Workplace Issues'

Activision Blizzard released a press release this morning addressing the myriad investigations into the company and its handling of its alleged toxic workplace culture. In a release just a day after news broke that the company was facing an investigation by the SEC, Activision Blizzard states it remains "committed to making Activision Blizzard on of the best, most inclusive places to work anywhere."

Activision Blizzard's Workplace Practices Are Now Being Investigated By The SEC

The Wall Street Journal reported today that Activision Blizzard is now under investigation by The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This investigation, according to WSJ sources, is looking into how the publisher has handled allegations by employees over sexual misconduct and discrimination within the workplace.

Activision Blizzard Employees Accuse Company Of 'Intimidation' In New Charge With National Labor Relations Board

Activision Blizzard employees have filed a charge with the National Labor Relations Board, accusing the publisher of both "intimidation and union busting" in the wake of the current ongoing lawsuit surrounding the gaming giant.

Epic Appeals Judge's Decision in Apple Lawsuit as Not Going Far Enough

Epic Games is appealing last week's ruling in its case against Apple, saying the decision that makes Apple have to allow third-party payment options for apps doesn't go far enough.

Epic vs. Apple Case: Judge Rules Apple Must Allow Third Party Payment Options

The Epic vs. Apple case now has a ruling (pending any possible appeal) and Apple must open up its model to allow for third-party in-app purchases.

Arlee In Azeroth: More Lawsuit Things And Let's Talk About Raiding

Another couple of weeks have gone by, and most people are talking about what 9.1.5 looks to be bringing with it. However, I still want to talk about the current raid, Sanctum of Domination, especially compared to Castle Nathria. Also, Domination Sockets and shards... I have so many thoughts about those. However, I want to talk about something else first.

Court Rules Lawsuit Against Soulbound Studios Must Conclude Before Taking the Fight to Xsolla

In the latest update from the Class Action for Chronicles of Elyria Discord, the court has ruled that in order to get to Xsolla, the payment processor that took payments outside of the Kickstarter Campaign, and refused to provide refunds, the Soulbound Studios class action lawsuit must first conclude.

Blizzard Details Looking For Group Feature Updates Ahead of Overlords Of Outland Pre-Patch Tomorrow

Overlords of Outland's pre-patch is coming tomorrow and the developer behind the Burning Crusade Classic update to World of Warcraft Classic is detailing updates to its Looking for Group interface.