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Elyon Is Releasing September 29th Here In The West

Elyon, the MMORPG formerly known as Ascent: Infinite Realm, will be hitting digital shelves here in the West on September 29th.

Elyon Shares Some Details About Its Upcoming Second Closed Beta, Including Leveling Tweaks And More

Elyon, the MMORPG formerly known as Ascent: Infinite Realm, laid out some of what players can expect in their upcoming closed beta test, kicking off in August. One major item of note is how the test will handle leveling, as well as the chance of checking out the MMO's in-game shop ahead of its launch later this year.

Elyon Details Its First Beta Test Ahead Of August's CBT2

Elyon hosted their first closed beta test a while back, and the development team took to the game's blog to talk a bit about the test itself, player stats as well as look ahead to the upcoming CBT2 test in August.

Elyon Is Holding Its Next Closed Beta Test In August

Elyon, the MMORPG formerly known as Ascent: Infinite Realm, announced their next closed beta test yesterday on the official game Discord. The test, which will allow players to check out the upcoming Korean MMO again ahead of its full localization in the West later this year, is slated to begin in August.

PSA: Elyon's Closed Beta Client Now Available To Download Ahead Of Test This Week

If you've got access to Elyon's first closed beta test which starts up on May 6th, you can start to download the beta today to get ahead of the game when it goes live in two days.

Bluehole's Elyon Showcases New Greatsword-Wielding Slayer Class In New Video

Elyon, the MMO formerly known as Ascent: Infinite Realm, released a new video showcasing one of the classes just added to the Korean MMORPG. The Slayer class, which wields a massive two-handed sword that would put Cloud's Buster Sword to shame, "sheds his own blood to bring down his enemies" according to Bluehole.

Elyon Drops New Trailer Showcasing Large Scale Battles And Combat

Elyon, the MMO formerly known as Ascent: Infinite Realm, has been largely dormant for the past few months. However, today, the MMO dropped a new trailer today on Twitter, showcasing some of the large scale battles you might experience in the upcoming MMO from KRAFTON.

TERA Battle Arena - First Set of Heroes Revealed

TERA Battle Arena has introduced a set of heroes for the team-based battler. In addition to the reveal of the heroes that will be available when the game releases, Krafton has also released details on what abilities the new heroes will have access to.

Ascent: Infinite Realm Renamed Elyon, Closed Beta Coming To Korea April 11

Bluehole teased some big news for the long-in-development Ascent: Infinite Realm, and earlier today it finally happened. A:IR is being renamed Elyon: Ascent Infinite Realm.